An Inspirational Concert to Provide Faith and Possibly Hope


Dear Friends,

As we commence the Biblical story  of Abraham this week in our Scriptural Torah reading cycle, the section begins with Abraham being asked to go forth from his father's home to a new place.  In order to do so, Abraham becomes the founder of monotheism, the belief in one G-d.  He becomes the father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

What strikes me is the faith that Abraham has as he emerges into uncharted territory.

As all of us watch the dynamic events in the Middle East, we are all having to find faith that somehow Israel can remain strong and that there will be concern about human lives.  We also all know that there are strong opinions about how Israel should respond to the Hamas attack on Oct. 7.

Last Sunday I watched the following concert by the Jerusalem Youth Chorus which inspired me to believe that when people come together, peace is not an elusive dream, but can be a realistic goal.

Please take the time to watch the concert which will hopefully inspire you as it inspired me.  (See below)

With hopes, and prayers for peace in our world, Shabbat Shalom, Sabbath Peace,

Rabbi Bruce Aft

A Message from The Jerusalem Youth Chorus:

Sunday's concert was extraordinary, and we are so happy to be able to share the recording with you at this secret link:

Please share the link with anyone you think may be inspired; please refrain from doing so publicly or on social media, to protect the safety of our singers in these sensitive times.

Thank you for supporting the voices of our brave young singers.  If you are interested in supporting the Jerusalem Youth Chorus, you can do so at


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