A Thanksgiving Message

 Dear Friends,

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, I am reminded of the Jewish tradition which encourages us to recite 100 blessings each day.

Although we live in a world where there is much to be distressed about, I hope that we will make time on Thanksgiving to give thanks for the blessings we do have.

On a personal note, I just observed the second anniversary of my heart attack and I am blessed to be alive and able to live a normal, active life.  Danny Siegel, a friend, teacher, and mentor of mine has written a book called "Healing" in which he has a couple of sections where he enumerates 100 blessings that include such simple (or not so simple) things as hugs, air, water, tears, a warm coat, and so many  other things that we take for granted.

I hope that when we gather together for Thanksgiving with loved ones and friends (and I hope we are together with people at this special time of year), that we will all give thanks for the food, safe travel, and love that brings us together.  Go around your table and share kind things you have done/do/will do for others and kind things that others did/do for you.

Particularly, I remember one of the greatest blessings which I received as a teenager  was when my parents went to a concert to hear a couple named Joe and Penny Aronson perform a song based upon the following words.  (See below)

Today, when my wife sees our kids, she tells them to be a mensch.  If we can fulfill her wish, we will truly have much for which to be grateful.

Shavua tov, have a good week, and Happy Thanksgiving. Please remember someone in need and help them enjoy a special Thanksgiving.

Rabbi Bruce Aft

All I Got Was Words

When I was young and fancy free,
My folks had no fine clothes for me.
All I got was words:

Gott Zu Danken – Thank God
Gott wet Geben – God will provide
Zoll men nor leben un sein Gezunt.
We should only live and be healthy.

When I was wont to travel far,
They didn’t provide me with a car.
All I got was words:

Geh Gezunt – Go in health
Geh Pamelach – Go carefully
Hab a glikliche reize – Have a safe trip.

I wanted to increase my knowledge,
But they couldn’t send me to college.
All I got was words:

Hab Seichel – Have common sense
Zei nicht ken nahr – Don’t be a fool
Toire is die beste achoire.
Learning is its own best reward.

The years have flown, the world has turned,
Things I’ve forgotten, things I’ve learned,
Yet I remember

Zag dem emes – Tell the truth
Gih Tzedakah – Be charitable
Hab rachmonus – Have compassion
Zei a mentch – Be a “mensch”

All I got was words.


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