Once Again A Test

 Dear Friends,

As we read the story of the Akedah (the binding of Isaac) in Genesis 22, we are challenged by how to transmit our faith in a meaningful way.

Abraham climbs a mountain with  his son that only he and Isaac can see.  He binds him to an altar and except for asking  his Dad where the animal for the offering is, Isaac goes along with his Dad without question.

I  believe that as we think about how we pass on what is important to us to the next generation, we are all tested as to our values at one point or another.  

In the world in which  we are living today as we watch events unfold in the Middle East, all of us are having our faith tested.

In  Simon and Garfunkel's song, "The Boxer" they write that "people hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest."  As we wrestle with what to  say about current crisis in the Middle East, I have found that no matter what  one says or writes, someone will be hearing it the way they wish and disregard the nuances and complexities of the current challenges that the Israelis and Palestinian face.

I hope and pray that we will pass the test that will examine the ways we communicate our attitudes toward all those living in the Middle East  and listen to each other.  May we find the right words to express so that others will hear us.  May we come together in a unified way that will encourage better communication and peace to grow and become part of the culture of the Middle East

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Bruce Aft


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