Approaching 5784: A Selichot Message

 Dear Friends,

One of the best parts about being an adjunct professor is the amount of time that I can take to travel on weekends and over school vacations.

One of many highlights of this summer was the opportunity to attend Shabbat (Sabbath) services at Temple Emanuel in Denver.  In his sermon, Rabbi Joe Black discussed the importance of awareness, acknowledgement, and action.

I want to discuss these three "As."   Some of us are part of the AAA Motor Club and I want to become part of the AAA Spiritual Club as we prepare for 5784.  Years ago, I gave a sermon where I suggested that as a rabbi I am a GPS, a Guide to Personal Spirituality.  Using the example of the AAA Motor Club, I think that each of us would enjoy our journey through life more  if we put into practice these three As that Rabbi Black suggested.

We observe Selichot tonight, a time on the Jewish calendar before the new year when we offer prayers for forgiveness and really begin to take seriously that Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are imminent.  As our Selichot observance makes us AWARE of the fact that the new year is upon us, I believe that we should recognize that now is the time to begin serious efforts to repent, change, and begin anew.  Hopefully  this will motivate us to ACKNOWLEDGE that we have a choice as to whether we will be inscribed into the book of life.  We can acknowledge that our actions matter and that each of us is responsible for the deeds we perform.  Finally, this acknowledgement can motivate us to take ACTION.  

As we contemplate the new year which is upon us, I hope that we will build a tripkit (does anyone remember when one used to go to AAA to get a tripkit to plan our  vacations?), that we will take ACTION to seek forgiveness, give forgiveness, and make serious efforts to find a piece of the world which we can repair.

Finally, the Hebrew month of Elul which is the month before Tishrei (the month when we begin the new year), is spelled in Hebrew with an aleph, lamed, vav, and lamed (E L U L).  These letters are the first letters of the Hebrew words "Ani L'dodi, V'dodi Li"  which mean "I am to my beloved as my beloved is to me." 

May the Jewish year of 5784 be a year where we fill our journeys with more love and forgiveness.  

May the new year bring happiness and peace to all of us and may we be safe and healthy.

Shanah tovah u'metukah, may we enjoy  a good and sweet new year.

Rabbi Bruce Aft

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