The Magic of Chanukah

 Dear Friends,

We recently saw a performance of  "Awakening" in Las Vegas.  In addition to it being overwhelming due to all the special effects, the message of the show is a wonderful way to think about Chanukah. (Please read a review of the show).

Light and dark are created and they battle over magic which may be understood as love and/or harmony.  As we prepare to celebrate Chanukah next week, I believe that our Jewish tradition can be magical. It can inspire light over darkness, the few over the many, the weak over the strong, and that good can triumph over evil.

I hope that as we remember the spirit of Judah Macabee, we will "awaken" once again to pursue magical values of tikkun olam (repairing the world), gemilut chasidim (deeds of kindness), and tzedakah (righteousness).

In a world crying out for love and caring we can make a magical difference in the lives of others when we reach out and care for those in need.  This Holiday season I hope we will celebrate at least one night by donating gift cards or other gifts to someone in need, or in helping to lighten the darkness that many are feeling.

Finally, as we watch the number of antisemtic actions increase, let us be diligent in fighting any kind of hatred and bigotry in the spirit of the Maccabees.  Our freedoms are to be treasured and as it says on the Korean Memorial in Washington DC, "freedom is not free." 

May this Chanukah awaken us to lighten the world through our loving deeds and to do our share to create a more loving, harmonious world.

Shavua tov, have a good week.

Rabbi Bruce Aft


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