Guess Whose Coming to Our Sukkah

 Dear Friends,

One of the most special aspects of Sukkot is the custom of Ushpizin.  Please note the link below that describes this custom.

I always am inspired by welcoming guests into the Sukkah because I usually invite people who have inspired me and are often members of my family.  I welcome the opportunity to remember positive moments that I shared with those who come to visit.  Sukkot is referred to as z'man simchateinu, a time to rejoice and be happy.  It is very reassuring to remember the teachings and wisdom of loved ones and others and to take time to reflect on the lessons I have learned.

We also read Koheleth (Ecclesiasstes) which in chapter three explains that there is a time for everything.  I believe that there is a time to remember positive moments with the people we care about and a time to forget or let go of negative energy and the things that cause us to hold grudges.

May we find joyful moments to share with the people with whom we are close.

Chag Sukkot Sameach,

Rabbi Bruce Aft


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