May Our Hopes Bloom/Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
Dear Friends, As we prepare to complete our Fall Holidays, I encourage you to search for Shemini Atzaeret and Simchat Torah on the My Jewish site. Shemini Atzeret gives us a time to remember our loved ones as we complete our intense schedule of the High Holidays and Sukkot. This is a day when we gather together to reflect on the meaning of the Holiday and Festival season in what is referred to as the Day of Solemn Assembly. Simchat Torah is the day on which we complete the reading of the Torah and begin the cycle of reading it again. This was the day in 2023 when Hamas attacked Israel and the world changed forever. It will be a complicated celebration this year because we all have had to reflect on what the attack and subsequent war mean for the future of Israel, Jewish values, and our hopes for peace. As a rabbi I pray for peace and the safe return of the hostages. As a professor, I teach about building bridges and hopes for d...