
Showing posts from June, 2024

Father's Day Message/Our Lives Matter

 Dear Friends, I thought I was done with blogs for the summer, but I was leading a service at a senior facility yesterday to celebrate the Festival of Shavuot on a day when we remember our loved ones,  I had a revelation I wanted to share.  I guess this is appropriate on the Festival of Shavuot when we celebrate the revelation at Mt. Sinai. As we remembered our loved ones yesterday and as I think about my father on this Father's Day weekend, I have often been conflicted by the recitation of the following Psalm at funerals and memorial services.  Psalm  103:13-16 As a father has compassion for his children, so the L ORD   has compassion for those who fear Him.   ׃   For He knows how we are formed; He is mindful that we are dust. Man, his days are like those of grass; he blooms like a flower of the field;     a wind passes by and it is no mor o its own place no longer knows it.  My father, of blessed memory, did not like this reading.  I have hesitated to read it but yesterday it was

Where Can We Find Holiness

Special Note: This will probably be my last blog for awhile although who knows what may occur to  inspire a message. Enjoy the summer. Bruce  Dear Friends, This week we experience the Jewish Festival of Shavuot which celebrates the revelation at Mt. Sinai when the Jewish People received the Ten Commandments at Mt. Sinai. I  want to talk about the revelations we have in our daily lives.  How many of us are aware of the  miracles that surround us.   There is a beautiful  Jewish teaching that G-d appears whenever and wherever we let G-d into our lives. In Jewish worship, we have a prayer  which is based upon the words  of the Prophet Isaiah.  "Holy holy holy, the whole earth is full of G-d's glory. I  hope that during the summer when we all (hopefully) have an opportunity to relax and reflect, we  will recognize that there may be holiness in our everyday experiences.  I was surfing the internet and found the  following poem and comments about Martin Buber that I hope will inspire