Blot Out or Remember....Happy Purim
Dear Friends, I promised that I would write another blog about our recent George Mason University trip to Poland. There will be more coming as I continue to sort out my thoughts and feelings. We call this Shabbat, Shabbat Zachor, which means remember. We remember Amalek who did nasty things to our ancestors in Biblical times. In the midst of reading this brief Biblical portion from Deuteronomy 25:17-19. we remember him and we are also taught to blot out his memory. Tonight and tomorrow when we read the Megillah(Scroll) of Esther, we shake a noise maker, (grogger) whenever we mention the name of Haman who is the person who wants to put to death the Jewish people in order to blot out his name during the time of Queen Esther. He does not succeed because we remember what he did and blot out his name. I want to devote this blog to a couple of memories that I will always carry with me from the trip that are important for me to share. I will remember the...